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GUERRAS EN EL MUNDO - Página 2 Empty US-UK-Australian Iraqi Holocaust

Mensaje  Admin Lun Oct 27, 2008 9:40 pm

US-UK-Australian Iraqi Holocaust
And Iraqi Genocide

On the 5th anniversary of the illegal, war criminal, Australian, UK and US invasion of Iraq we see an ongoing Iraqi Holocaust and Iraqi Genocide - post-invasion non-violent and violent excess deaths 1.7-2.2 million, post-invasion under-5 infant deaths 0.6 million, and 4.5 million refugees out of a current population of about 28 million i.e. about one quarter of Iraqis DEAD or HOMELESS.
On 20 March 2003 Australian, British and American forces illegally invaded the sovereign nation of Iraq, this occurring after a 12 year period of bombing and sanctions associated with 1.7 million excess deaths (avoidable deaths, deaths that should not have happened), 1.2 million under-5 infant deaths and 0.2 million violent deaths in the Gulf War.

The horrific consequences of the pre-Invasion Sanctions on Iraqi infant mortality are revealed by UN Population Division data for Iraq and its impoverished but mostly un-occupied and peaceful neighbour Syria (see: ). Back in about 1950 the "under-5 infant deaths per 1,000 births" in newly-independent, post-European colonialism Iraq and Syria was a catastrophic 200; by 1990 (with both countries under Ba'athist dictatorships) it had dramatically fallen to about 50 and 44, respectively; after the US-UK-Israeli bombing and Sanctions began in 1990, this rate doubled rapidly in Iraq but kept declining in peaceful and only partially Israeli-occupied Syria; NOW it is 105 for "US-liberated", oil-rich Occupied Iraq and 18 for impoverished, resource-poor, Ba'athist dictatorship Syria (for the latest data see: UN Population Divsion infant mortality data ).

The Excuses for War were numerous and FALSE. It is now estimated by several US scholarly think tanks (notably the Center for Public Integrity) that the Bush Administration told 935 LIES about Iraq in the 2 years after the 9/11 attacks (an atrocity for which there is NO evidence of any Iraqi involvement) (see:
0,23599,23098129-401,00.html and ). Indeed there is appalling evidence for both active and passive US complicity in that atrocity. Thus former Vice President Al Gore in his recent book “The Assault on Reason” (Chapter 6, National Insecurity, pp178-179), , while dismissing the widely-held hypothesis of deliberate passive complicity of the Bush Administration in 9/11, condemns the Bush Administration for effective passive complicity in the 9/11 atrocity i.e. they let it happen, just as a fore-warned US Administration permitted the Pearl Harbor attack to happen in 1941: “Their behaviour, in my opinion, was reckless, but the explanation for it lies in hubris, not in some bizarre conspiracy theory …These affirmative and repeated refusals to listen to clear warnings [prior to 9/11] constitute behaviour that goes beyond simple negligence. At a minimum, it represents a reckless disregard for the safety of the American people.”

However, the extremely eminent former 7-year President of Italy, law professor, senator for life and long-term Western intelligence intimate Francesco Cossiga has recently (November 2007) gone even further – Cossiga told one of Italy's top newspapers Corriere della Sera that (a) the US CIA and Israeli Mossad committed the 9/11 outrage in order to further US and Zionist aims and that (b) major Western intelligence agencies are well aware of this (for details and documentation see: ).

Five years on from the invasion of Iraq and the cost of the devastating and CONTINUING US-UK-Australian occupation of Iraq is horrendous. A recent Congressional Report informed by US Economics Nobel Laureate Professor Joseph Stiglitz (Columbia University) and Professor Linda Bilmes (Harvard University) estimated an accrual cost of $3.5 trillion. American war dead total about 4,000 and the wounded total about 30,000 (see: ).

The Indigenous Iraqi human cost of the US Coalition invasion and occupation of Iraq is utterly appalling. As of March 2008, authoritative estimates from the world’s top Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, USA and the UK ORB organization are of 5-year violent deaths of 0.91 million and 1.36 million, respectively, and estimates from UN Population Division data are of 5-year non-violent excess deaths of 0.77 - 0.87 million.

Thus post-invasion violent plus non-violent excess deaths in Occupied Iraq total 1.7 - 2.2 million as of March 2008. In addition one can estimate 1.7 million Sanctions excess deaths (1990-2003), 1.2 million under-5 infant deaths under Sanctions, 0.2 million Iraqi Gulf War deaths, 0.6 million post-invasion infant deaths (UNICEF: ) and 4.5 million Iraqi refugees (UNHCR) (see: and Iraqi Genocide, Afghan Genocide:
2008/02/formal-complaint-to-international.html ,
rudd-australia-report-card-1-continued.html and “World writers slam Iraqi Holocaust. Iraq Invasion 5th Anniversary”: ).

This is an ongoing Iraqi Holocaust and an ongoing Iraqi Genocide as defined by Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention which defines “genocide” as involving “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group” (sustained, remorseless killing being clearly intentional) (see:
genocide/convention.html ).

Even a top conservative UK politician Michael Ancram (Conservative Party MP and shadow foreign secretary (2001-2005) says that it has been clear to MPs and top military figures that Britain should get out of Occupied Iraq in a very recent article entitled “End in the Iraq obscenity” in the prestigious UK New Statesman (see: ) .

Outstanding writers are writing the truth and indeed a growing band of outstanding, anti-racist, humanitarian writers are describing the carnage in Occupied Iraq as an Iraqi Holocaust or Iraqi Genocide e.g. Dr Mark Weisbrot (President of Just Foreign policy: ), Dr Paul Craig Roberts (eminent US writer, academic, editor and Father of Reaganomics: ), Tariq Ali (outstanding UK-based Pakistani journalist, film-maker and author:
Messages190308.htm#tariq%20ali ) and John Pilger (outstanding, award-winning Australian-UK writer and journalist:

As a decent, anti-racist, humanitarian, Australian scientist, for 5 years I have endlessly reported the mounting carnage to media throughout the world and to Australian politicians – trying to get through the Mainstream Media Wall of Silence over the ongoing Iraqi Genocide and Iraqi Holocaust. I have succeeded in getting decent MPs to ask questions in Federal Parliament about the horrendous Iraqi deaths. I have had the occasional letter (out of thousands sent) published by Mainstream media and in 2005 the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) permitted me to make a nation-wide broadcast entitled “Australian complicity in Iraq mass mortality” (see:
ockham/stories/s1445960.htm - this was recently published in a collection of essays by Australian thinkers in a book entitled “Lies, Deep Fries & Statistics” (edited by Robyn Williams, ABC Books, Sydney, 2007).

However in general the Silence has been Deafening from the Mainstream media, notwithstanding the powerful, compassionate pleas from outstanding anti-racist humanitarians such as those 95 writers (including Tariq Ali, Curtis Doebbler, Felicity Arbuthnot, Dahr Jamail and Nobel Laureate Harold Pinter) who recently issued statements on the Iraq Holocaust on the occasion of this 5th anniversary via the humanitarian Brussels Tribunal: (see also “World writers slam Iraqi Holocaust”: and Dahr Jamail’s powerful article “Iraq: 5 years and counting”: ).

“Politically correct” racist (PC racist) White Australia is firmly looking the other way – it is STILL involved in Holocaust Commission, Holocaust Denial, Genocide Commission and Genocide Denial. Thus, simply do an Australia-specific Google Search for the phrase “Iraqi Holocaust” or “Iraqi Genocide” and you will get about 20 and 90 URLs, respectively. However do an Australia-specific Google Search for the phrase “weapons of mass destruction” – the BIG LIE used to justify Australian invasion of Iraq – and you will get about 73,000 URLs. “Politically correct” racist (PC racist), war criminal, climate criminal Murdochracy Australia is indeed the Land of Flies, Lies and Slies (spin-based untruths). Do a similar Google Search for the whole English-speaking World for the phrases “Iraqi Holocaust” or “Iraqi Genocide” (the Awful Truth) and you will get about 15,000 and 13,000 URLs, respectively, but search for “weapons of mass destruction” (the BIG LIE) and you will get 5,200,000 (5.2 MILLION) URLs.

Outstanding Jewish American scholar Professor Noam Chomsky (“The War Everyone Forgot”:
New.asp?section=noamchomsky ) has condemned the atrocity in Iraq and the failure of the issue to be central in the current Presidential primaries. He has explained this immense dishonesty thus: “Iraq remains a significant concern for the population, but that is a matter of little moment in a modern democracy. Not long ago, it was taken for granted that the Iraq war would be the central issue in the presidential campaign, as it was in the midterm election of 2006. But it has virtually disappeared, eliciting some puzzlement. There should be none. The Wall Street Journal came close to the point in a front-page article on Super Tuesday, the day of many primaries: "Issues Recede in '08 Contest As Voters Focus on Character." To put it more accurately, issues recede as candidates, party managers and their public relations agencies focus on character. As usual. And for sound reasons. Apart from the irrelevance of the population, they can be dangerous. Progressive democratic theory holds that the population — "ignorant and meddlesome outsiders" — should be "spectators," not "participants" in action, as Walter Lippmann wrote.”

It is the LYING (by commission and omission) of Mainstream media and politicians in the Western Murdochracies that has enabled the Iraqi Holocaust and Iraqi Genocide to happen and indeed to CONTINUE. Racist, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, Zionist-beholden and Bush-ite-beholden Mainstream media of the Western Murdochracies in general are involved in Holocaust Commission, Holocaust Denial, Genocide Commission and Genocide Denial.

2005 Nobel Laureate for Literature, Jewish British playwright Harold Pinter has succinctly summarized the Iraq atrocity as follows (see: ) : “The invasion of Iraq was a criminal act. The occupation of Iraq remains a criminal act. The British government under Blair and the United States administration are war criminals. It’s as simple as that.”

But the war criminals complicit in the Iraqi Holocaust and Iraqi Genocide have NOT yet been arraigned before the International Criminal Court (notwithstanding individual formal complaints e.g. see: ) and the carnage continues. Professor Chomsky (see:
New.asp?section=noamchomsky ) comments further : “One of the most dedicated and informed journalists who have been immersed in the shocking tragedy, Nir Rosen, recently published an epitaph, "The Death of Iraq," in Current History. "Iraq has been killed, never to rise again," Rosen writes. "The American occupation has been more disastrous than that of the Mongols, who sacked Baghdad in the 13th century" — a common perception of Iraqis as well.”

Silence kills and silence is complicity – we cannot walk by on the other side. Peace is the only way but we are obliged to inform everyone we can about the horrendous, ongoing atrocity of the Iraqi Holocaust, the Iraqi Genocide.

About half the Iraqis are Children and about three quarters of Women and Children. Any person who KNOWINGLY ignores, denies, excuses, minimizes, obfuscates, supports, advocates or is otherwise complicit in the UK-Australia-US-led, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, Islamophobic Iraqi Genocide has parted company from decent humanity.

Peace is the only way – and CAN be achieved by urgent imposition of individual and collective, intra-national and international Sanctions and Boycotts against all individuals, corporations and countries (notably the US, the UK and their racist lackey White Australia) complicit in the ongoing Iraqi Holocaust and Iraqi Genocide.

Dr Gideon Polya published some 130 works in a 4 decade scientific career, most recently a huge pharmacological reference text "Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds" (CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, New York & London, 2003). He has just published “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” (G.M. Polya, Melbourne, 2007: ).


Mensajes : 563
Fecha de inscripción : 26/10/2008

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Mensaje  Admin Lun Oct 27, 2008 9:58 pm

El Iraq ocupado soporta la mayor cantidad de prisiones del mundo


Traducido del inglés para Rebelión por Sinfo Fernández

Entrevista mantenida con el representante de la Federación de Presos y Prisioneros Políticos de Iraq, el abogado iraquí Sr. Sahar Yasiri, en el curso de una conferencia organizada por la Universidad Libre de Bruselas bajo el título de “Terrorismo de guerra estadounidense”.

El Sr. Sahar Yasiri declaró que Iraq ocupa el primer lugar del mundo en número de prisiones, que la cifra de campos de detención y prisiones en todos los gobernorados de Iraq se eleva a 36, sin incluir la prisión de Abu Ghraib, que ha acabado convirtiéndose en la mejor si se la compara con el resto de prisiones. La cifra de prisioneros iraquíes supera los 400.000, entre los que hay 6.500 niños y 10.000 mujeres, de los cuales el 95% ha sufrido violaciones.

PREGUNTA: En su opinión, ¿cuántos prisioneros hay retenidos desde que se produjo la ocupación de Iraq encabezada por EEUU?

Yasiri: Según los informes de organizaciones extranjeras y de la prensa estadounidense, la cifra de los arrestados supera los 400.000, de los cuales 6.500 son niños y 10.000 mujeres.

Además de Abu Ghraib, hay 36 prisiones en Iraq, repartidas por todas las provincias, incluido el Kurdistán, además de las prisiones del norte del país, ubicadas en las bases militares estadounidenses.

Tenemos también otro tipo de prisioneros, denominados prisioneros fantasmas, que se calcula que son alrededor de mil, aunque no tenemos información alguna sobre ellos. Las familias de esos detenidos tampoco saben nada.

Como pueden apreciar, Iraq tiene el mayor número imaginable de prisiones y centros de detención. Además de las prisiones de los estadounidenses, hay otras muchas que dependen del gobierno iraquí, del Ministerio del Interior, del Ministerio de Defensa, del Ministerio de Seguridad Nacional e Inteligencia, así como una serie de prisiones privadas controladas por determinados partidos políticos.

No hay duda de que los muros de esas prisiones son testigos de las peores imágenes de violaciones de los derechos humanos que imaginarse pueda. Los prisioneros allí retenidos no lo están como consecuencia de una orden judicial, pero allí permanecen sin acusación ni juicio durante largos períodos, eso si logran salvar la vida.

P.: ¿Qué nos puede contar sobre las condiciones de vida de los prisioneros en el interior de esas cárceles?

Yasiri: Le puedo decir que el 95% de esos prisioneros han sido violados, debido a la importancia del honor para árabes y musulmanes. Y que el 5% restante han sufrido amenazas de violación, especialmente las mujeres.

Le aseguro que la utilización de la violación en la tortura forma parte de una política sistemática estadounidense, y nada importa el hecho de ser hombre o mujer, nadie se escapa. La opinión pública pudo ver lo que estaba sucediendo en la prisión de Abu Ghraib, pero le digo que las imágenes que aparecieron sobre los escándalos y violaciones en Abu Ghraib no mostraban toda la realidad que se vive en otras prisiones. Quizá sea Abu Ghraib la mejor de las prisiones, comparada con el resto.

P.: Respecto a la cuestión de la legitimidad, ¿cómo valora la actuación de la Agencia Central de Inteligencia y las violaciones de los derechos de los prisioneros?

Yasiri: En el discurso pronunciado por el Presidente Bush el 6 de septiembre de 2006, se decía que las detenciones e interrogatorios llevados a cabo por la CIA estaban “sometidos a varios controles legales del Ministerio de Defensa y del Consejo de la misma CIA, y que también estaban sujetos a estricta supervisión del Inspector General de la AIEA [Agencia Internacional para la Energía Atómica]”.

Sin embargo, si se hubieran sometido a examen minucioso y metódico las directrices de actuación, como sugirió el Presidente Bush, se habrían planteado de inmediato graves cuestiones sobre la legalidad del control de las agencias gubernamentales responsables de cuestiones de trascendencia nacional e internacional.

Eso significa que el programa es fundamentalmente ilegal y que choca con los estándares internacionales señalados por los derechos humanos y el derecho humanitario.

El arresto y abuso de prisioneros, como en el caso de Marwan Jabbour, supone por parte de EEUU una violación de todos los niveles básicos de los derechos humanos.

La desaparición forzosa implica también detención arbitraria, secreta e incomunicada, tortura y otros tratos crueles, inhumanos y degradantes prohibidos por el derecho internacional humanitario.

P.: ¿Cuál es la definición legal de la desaparición forzosa?

Yasiri: Está incluida en la “Convención Internacional para la Protección de todas las Personas contra la Desaparición Forzosa” (Convención sobre Desapariciones Forzosas):

“Arresto, detención, secuestro o cualquier forma de privación de libertad ejecutados por agentes del Estado o por personas o grupos de individuos que actúan con la autorización o apoyo o consentimiento del Estado, seguidos de la negativa a reconocer la privación de libertad, ocultando el destino o paradero de la persona desaparecida, privándola así de la protección de la ley”.

A pesar de que esta Convención todavía no ha entrado en vigor, la definición de desaparición forzosa concuerda con las definiciones contenidas en una serie de convenios internacionales anteriores.

Cuando la “Convención sobre Desapariciones Forzosas” estuvo lista para su rúbrica el 6 de febrero de 2007, la firmaron de inmediato 57 países. Pero los EEUU no estaban entre los signatarios, aunque habían mantenido una participación activa en la formulación de la Convención. Patrick Cormack, portavoz de la Secretaría de Estado para Asuntos Exteriores manifestó que EEUU no la firmaba porque la Convención “no satisface nuestras necesidades y expectativas”. Y no dio más detalles.

Las “desapariciones” están prohibidas, en cualquier circunstancia, por el derecho internacional y, como estipula la Convención sobre Desapariciones Forzosas, “no pueden invocarse bajo circunstancia excepcional alguna, cualquiera que sea ésta, ni pueden justificarse por situación o amenaza de guerra, por inestabilidad política interna o por cualquier otro estado de excepción”.

La Convención prohíbe las detenciones secretas, llama a las partes estatales a ubicar todos los detenidos en campos de detención conocidos oficialmente, a llevar registros detallados de cada detenido oficial, a permitir que los detenidos contacten con sus familias y abogados y a facilitar que las autoridades competentes puedan contactar con ellos.

La práctica de la desaparición forzosa es una seria amenaza que viola varios derechos humanos, como es el derecho a la vida, la prohibición de la tortura y el trato cruel, inhumano y degradante, el derecho a la libertad y a la seguridad de la persona y el derecho a un juicio justo y público.

“El Grupo de Trabajo sobre Desapariciones Forzosas de las Naciones Unidas reconoció que el crimen de la desaparición forzosa supone un delito continuado y que hay obligación de informar del destino o paradero del desaparecido”. Por tanto, EEUU tiene obligaciones legales en los casos de las personas por ellos detenidas que han “desaparecido” mientras eran trasladadas a otro lugar, así como sobre su destino y paradero.

P.: ¿Cuáles son las consecuencias de las desapariciones forzosas?

Yasiri: Supone la violación de los derechos fundamentales de los desaparecidos; además, esos hechos causan también mucho dolor y sufrimiento psicológico a los familiares de esas personas.

En el caso del arresto de Jabbour, al responder a una actuación secreta, supuso también que sus tres niños no tenían información de si su padre estaba o no vivo. Su esposa ignoraba también si seguía o no casada. La complejidad de este puzzle se ve en los efectos de sucesos recientes.

Está claro que el “Grupo de Trabajo sobre Desapariciones Forzosas” es consecuencia de la gran preocupación expresada por Naciones Unidas ante el hecho de que el gobierno estadounidense utilice prisiones secretas para detener a los sospechosos de terrorismo, por lo que ha establecido que el arresto en esas circunstancias es “un grave rechazo de los derechos humanos básicos de las personas detenidas que viola también el derecho humanitario internacional y las leyes sobre derechos humanos”.

Mensajes : 563
Fecha de inscripción : 26/10/2008

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Mensaje  Admin Lun Oct 27, 2008 10:00 pm

Para poder proteger a los detenidos de la violación de sus derechos, tienen que estar ubicados en campos de detención oficialmente reconocidos.

Deben llevarse a cabo registros documentales con los nombres de los prisioneros y el lugar de detención, así como de los nombres de los responsables del arresto. Esos registros deben estar a disposición de todas las personas concernidas, como familiares y amigos.

Además, debe “presentarse inmediatamente a sus familiares, abogados u otras personas de confianza, información exacta sobre la detención, paradero y operaciones de transporte efectuadas”. Finalmente, deben registrarse los nombres, los lugares de todos los interrogatorios y los nombres de todos los que estaban presentes en los mismos. Esta información debe estar a disposición de los procedimientos administrativos o judiciales.

Las leyes internacionales prohíben también la detención en centros de aislamiento del mundo exterior aunque no suponga “desaparición”, según la Ley sobre Relaciones Exteriores de EEUU. Por tanto, el estado viola la ley si prolonga la detención arbitraria o la fomenta o la consiente como parte de su política estatal.


P.: ¿Cómo considera la tortura y demás modalidades de malos tratos?

Yasiri: El derecho internacional sobre los derechos humanos prohíbe, en cualquier circunstancia, la tortura y otras formas de maltrato de personas detenidas, tanto en tiempos de guerra como de paz.

Los tratados que la prohíben son el “Pacto Internacional sobre Derechos Políticos y Civiles” y la “Convención contra la Tortura y Otros Tratos y Castigos Crueles, Inhumanos y Degradantes”, ambos ratificados por los EEUU.

La prohibición de la tortura y otros malos tratos está presente en otras Cartas internacionales, como la “Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos”, el “Conjunto de Principios para la Protección de Todas las Personas bajo Cualquier Forma de Detención o Encarcelamiento” y las “Normas y Estándares Mínimos para el Trato a los Prisioneros”.

El derecho humanitario internacional prohíbe asimismo el uso de la tortura en los interrogatorios en cualquiera de los momentos de un conflicto armado.

Esto se ejemplifica en la prohibición existente en las Convenciones de Ginebra, así como en las leyes consuetudinarias de guerra en los campos militares estadounidenses.

El 2 de diciembre de 2002, el Secretario de Defensa Donald Rumsfeld aprobó el uso de dieciséis métodos de interrogatorio para los prisioneros de la Bahía de Guantánamo, que incluían “situaciones estresantes”, mantener encapuchados a los presos, aislamiento, desnudez, privación de la luz y confiscación de símbolos religiosos, afeitado forzoso y utilización de perros.

El 15 de enero de 2003, tras las críticas del Consejo General de la Marina de EEUU, Rumsfeld canceló las directivas anteriores, diciendo que esos duros métodos, además de otros, se utilizarían sólo cuando él lo aprobara.

Rumsfeld formó entonces un grupo de trabajo para estudiar las modalidades de interrogatorio que podrían utilizarse con los prisioneros de Guantánamo, tras lo cual, el 16 de abril, se procedió a identificar esos métodos, que únicamente servirían para interrogar a los “combatientes ilegales” encerrados en Guantánamo, permitiéndose las posiciones de estrés, mantener desnudos a los presos y el uso de perros.

Esos métodos fueron trasladados –según se cita en el informe Schlesinger- a Iraq y Afganistán, donde los oficiales estadounidenses se los aplicaban periódicamente a los detenidos.

Tras la revelación de las imágenes de la prisión de Abu Ghraib en abril de 2004, la administración Bush negó tener responsabilidad en los hechos y cambió finalmente el Memorandum del Ministerio de Defensa de fecha 1 de agosto de 2003 donde se incluían los métodos legales permitidos de interrogatorio. Sin embargo, las restricciones en esos métodos no se aplicaron, al parecer, a los trabajos de la CIA.

En enero de 2005, la administración Bush y el Ministerio de Justicia autorizaron a la CIA a utilizar otros métodos, como por ejemplo la inmersión en agua (simulando ahogamiento), sugeridos al parecer por el Fiscal General Alberto Gonzales, en respuesta escrita durante unas reuniones para estudiar la cuestión, en la que decía que los oficiales estadounidenses, en su trato a ciudadanos no estadounidenses en el exterior, quedarían exentos de la prohibición de tratos crueles, inhumanos o degradantes, es decir, que no había ley alguna que prohibiera a la CIA el uso de tratos crueles, inhumanos o degradantes en los interrogatorios de los no estadounidenses fuera de los Estados Unidos.

P.: ¿Cuál es la historia de la “Enmienda McCain” que prohíbe cualquier violación de los derechos humanos por parte de cualquier funcionario estadounidense?

Yasiri: En diciembre de 2005, a pesar de las objeciones de la administración Bush, el Congreso aprobó la “Ley sobre el Trato a los Detenidos”. Esta ley contenía la “Enmienda McCain”, que prohíbe el uso de tratos crueles, inhumanos o degradantes por parte de cualquier funcionario estadounidense en cualquier lugar del mundo donde actúe.

En junio de 2006, con ocasión del caso Hamdan y frente a Rumsfeld, el Tribunal Supremo decretó la obligación que el gobierno estadounidense tiene de tratar con humanidad a los detenidos de Al Qaida, de acuerdo con las estipulaciones del Artículo III, común a todas las Convenciones de Ginebra.

Seguidamente, el Ministerio de Defensa ordenó al ejército que asegurara el cumplimiento de esas normas en todas sus prácticas, y anunció que las nuevas leyes prohibían cualquier método de interrogatorio que implicara una violación de las Convenciones, como “la inmersión en agua”, dolorosas posiciones estresantes, privación del sueño o exposición al frío durante largos períodos.

Sin embargo, al mismo tiempo, la administración Bush propuso la promulgación de otros estándares más recientes que los que figuran en el mencionado Artículo III común a las Convenciones de Ginebra, lo que permite que la CIA continúe utilizando métodos de interrogatorio que pueden implicar la violación, actualmente prohibida por el Departamento de Defensa de EEUU.

No obstante, el Congreso rechazó esa última propuesta de la administración Bush, aunque los resultados no están aún demasiado claros.

En 2006, el Congreso siguió manteniendo, en los casos de actuaciones de tribunales militares, la mayor parte de las leyes sobre crímenes de guerra de 1996, que permite el procesamiento de los investigadores que hayan utilizado la tortura y los “tratos crueles e inhumanos” (considerados como una conducta que causa dolor o sufrimiento graves, tanto físicos como mentales).

Sin embargo, la ley limita el ámbito de los crímenes que requieren procedimientos judiciales bajo la ley de crímenes de guerra, lo que amplía los niveles permitidos a la hora de infligir dolor o sufrimiento físico severo, impidiendo el procesamiento de los investigadores que hayan violado esas normas, como ocurría antes de la nueva ley.

P. ¿Qué pasa con los prisioneros de la CIA?

Yasiri: Hay que señalar que a pesar de los alegatos de las autoridades estadounidenses asegurando que los detenidos en poder de la CIA son tratados de acuerdo con la ley, lo que en realidad se ha hecho es asegurar que no trascienda detalle alguno de lo que sucede durante las detenciones.

Por ejemplo, en el caso de Majid Jan, uno de los catorce detenidos que fueron transferidos a Guantánamo el pasado año, se prohibió que el gobierno contactara con sus abogados y se afirmó que su detención por la Central de Inteligencia se llevó a cabo “para obtener información confidencial”, por lo que no se ofreció información alguna sobre los lugares de detención y las condiciones y métodos alternativos de interrogatorio.

De forma similar, en los tribunales militares de 2006, las normas acerca de las pruebas y procedimientos tenían como objetivo que los “métodos y actividades” de la CIA, que incluyen “desapariciones, torturas y otras violaciones”, no vieran la luz pública.

P.: ¿Qué información puede aportar sobre los sufrimientos de niños y muchachos en las prisiones estadounidenses de Iraq?

Yasiri: Esos niños sufren torturas, violaciones, hambre e ilegalidad en su detención y además se desconoce la causa de su arresto.

Fueron arrestos efectuados al azar a partir de órdenes dadas por el gobierno y los partidos sectarios desparramados por todas las provincias del país, sin justificación legal ni garantía legal alguna que asegure a un detenido su derecho a defenderse y a una serie de garantías legales reconocidas por la legislación iraquí y por los principios de los derechos humanos internacionales, sin que las cortes competentes tengan conocimiento alguno de los hechos. La mayoría de ellos llevan muchos meses detenidos sin ser acusados ni juzgados.

Los derechos humanos, en especial los de niños y muchachos, están en muy grave situación. Subrayamos que los arrestos efectuados en el pasado y en el momento actual no se basan en ninguna orden legal sino en los deseos y decisiones de las fuerzas ocupantes, del gobierno títere y de los cabecillas de los partidos políticos.

Esta entrevista apareció publicada en la web dividida en dos partes

Enlace con la primera parte de la entrevista en inglés:

Enlace con la segunda parte de la entrevista en inglés:

Durante la primera mitad del año 2003 los españoles se movilizaron como nunca lo habían hecho para detener una guerra injusta, ilegal y amparada en mentiras, como se ha demostrado posteriormente. Con el apoyo del Partido Popular, José María Aznar, que entonces era Presidente del Gobierno español, decidió asumir el protagonismo a favor de esta guerra, dando la espalda a lo que exigía la ciudadanía en las calles y en las encuestas. A mediados de marzo de aquel año, José María Aznar, Tony Blair y George W. Bush fueron acogidos por José Manuel Durão Barroso en las islas Azores, desde las que lanzaron un ultimátum a Iraq con un plazo de 24 horas, durante el cual el presidente del país debería dimitir y deberían entregarse unas armas de destrucción masiva que ni existían ni había indicio real alguno de su existencia, como los inspectores de Naciones Unidas apuntaron en alguna ocasión. Transcurrido dicho plazo, y si no se llevaban a cabo las imposiciones que señalaban, los reunidos anunciaban la invasión de Iraq. Culminada la ocupación militar el 1 de mayo de 2003, Iraq entró en una situación de caos, devastación y muerte en la que diversas guerras cruzadas han impedido a los ocupantes conseguir sus propósitos.

Al no contar con la aprobación del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU, esta guerra fue ilegal y ninguna resolución posterior de dicho organismo puede borrar este hecho. Esto significa que, según el Derecho Internacional, los efectos de esta agresión son crímenes de guerra y los ejecutores e inductores de crímenes de guerra son criminales de guerra. La participación española en la misma se realizó sin la aprobación del Congreso de los Diputados de nuestro país. Esta participación sería disfrazada de ayuda internacional, tras proclamarse un falso fin de la guerra que aún hoy no se ha producido y enmascarando como ayuda humanitaria al pueblo iraquí aquello que realmente era ayuda a los militares invasores, aliados del gobierno español de aquel momento. Tal guerra sigue provocando decenas de muertes todos los días y no es posible desvincularla de las principales causas de los atentados terroristas de Madrid del 11 de marzo de 2004 ni de los de Londres de 7 de Julio de 2005. La cantidad de muertos generada por la Guerra de Iraq, calculada en 700.000, no para de crecer ni tiene visos de detenerse.

Cuatro años después del inicio de la guerra, disponemos de la perspectiva suficiente para entender que la actuación concreta de Aznar como Presidente del Gobierno español y del Partido Popular, protagonistas activos de aquella invasión, debe ser sometida a un examen penal que determine sus posibles responsabilidades penales y anuncie para el futuro que quienes colaboren en una guerra ilegal no resultarán impunes por el mero hecho de desempeñar un puesto de prominencia política. Entendemos que éstas son las verdaderas acciones preventivas en favor de los derechos humanos.

Por ello, solicitamos a los partidos políticos que se oponen a la guerra de Iraq y a los que no quieran seguir siendo cómplices de la misma que colaboren activamente en la exigencia de responsabilidades políticas, pero también judiciales de José María Aznar. Asimismo, esperamos de las instancias judiciales que apliquen el principio de igualdad ante la ley y no amparen la impunidad de quienes hayan violado la legalidad, estatal y/o internacional, por su especial relevancia política. También llamamos a la ciudadanía a asumir el protagonismo que se ganó en las movilizaciones contra la guerra, reclamando ahora la responsabilidad de quien no quiso escuchar entonces nuestras voces. & &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related

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Mensaje  Admin Lun Oct 27, 2008 10:07 pm

Hidden Things You Do Not Know 5/14

Bobby Meade This just scrapes the surface of the work of the Bush Nazis! Illegal Eagles in the military?! Foolproof Bush Nazi murders. Can Hillary come back? Did the Third Reich come from England? 5/14 Pruning trees wrong.

"Evil men and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived." (2 Tim. 3:13)

"Look! You are trusting in deceptive words that are worthless! Hear O earth, I am bringing disaster on this people, the fruit of their schemes because they have not listened to my words...." (Jer. 7:8; 6:19) GHW Bush, the uncrowned king of Babylon, the lawless Jacob, the Great Dead King of Israel, the son of perdition, who also thinks that he is Bel, the god of heaven and earth; he and all his Bush Nazis have replaced the sulphurous fire of the Bible with feces; i.e. the secret "power food" of the Moabite women of Shittim.(Is. 14:4-22; 46:1; Mic. 1:5; Hosea 10:3,15; 2 Thess. 2:3; Numbers 25:1-4; Gen. 19:24; Ez. 20:26; Is. 13:16) It fries their brains! GHW Bush says that he has been eating feces for seventy years. For 70 years he has been the uncrowned King of Babylon (Is. 14:4; Jer. 25:11-16) 70 years of brushing people off, saying he is too Gad damn important to talk to anyone and killing anyone who questions his stupidity. GHW Bush fried W's brain @ 55 years ago; thus the private army of the Bush Nazis probably put W in the White House with only 20 votes. Every single word that W says is teleprompted. Can you feign importance, repeat big words, ignore people, and brush people off? You could be in the White House too! They will never know that you are brainless! GHW Bush says that he and W had the guys who signed their diplomas killed. W is too stupid to know that he never graduated from anything. GHW also says that they are too Gad damn important to have their names in the alumni directory. Nicky Exarchou brought Hitler's Storm Troopers to the US and formed Secret Service, the private army of the Bush Nazis that now probably numbers 130,000. A private army to protect their stupidity!? Don't that beat all? Should we pity such stupidity?(Deut. 13:6-9) Impeach it? It is treason punishable by death! Demockracy is a matter of being mocked by demons; kind caring demonic Bush Nazis, posing as "angels of light". (2Cor.11:14 ) No Body is Going to Do Nothing About It, which means that the Bush Nazis are going to get rid of you and your body and anyone who comes looking for you if you try to prove that they are criminals. That is why God says that the look on their faces will betray them. (Is. 3:9) They have set things up so that you will be killed if you try to prove any of their criminal activities. You have to rely on that look alone.(Deut. 13:6-9) Just mention their rigging the vote etc. Since September the Fools of Babylon 9/30 has been there, explaining how the "blood of all who have been slain on the earth" arises from Washington, DC.(Rev.18:24)

"Woe! Woe, O great city, Babylon on the Potomac! In one hour your doom has come!" (Rev. 18:1-24) The USSR 666 is going to do naval exercises off the Eastern Seaboard. Accounts of the stupidity and/or the criminality of the Bush Nazis are going to be broadcasted, and they will say that it is coming from the USSR. If W and company act smart or tough, the demolition of DC, Babylon on the Potomac is going to commence. Can you stop these morons from falling for that? This arises because so many Bush Nazis have claimed that they are America since I wrote America Starts Here in 1998. They knew what they had to do to created America, and it did not involve putting the creators, Sarah Hajney and Jennifer Bolduc through a woodchipper; thus the USSR is where it's at, and you all should know what the USSR stands for. I published that info serveral times in 2001. Also Cornell's Big Red Charter empowers Cornell to do whatever it takes to get rid of these Bush Nazis, create a "nation on that day", and claim Judah as God's portion in the Holy Land.(Zech. 2:12) The 1963 New World Translation of the Holy Scripture has the best map of Judah, the "USSR of the Mideast", which I think delineates King Solomon's Judah after he subdued the kingdom of the Babylonians. Ref. GHW Bush; Friend of the Devil * & Holy Smoke! Bobby Meade

Beware the treasonous sh*theads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GHW Bush says that they are getting rid of everyone who says that W has ever graduated from anyplace. He says that they are the "firstfruits of a kingdom that cannot be shaken". Now where did he get those words?

Nazi Death Doctors from Bruxelles? 3/8 I confirmed a few nights ago that Nicky Exarchou was still impersonating a doctor up at Binghamton's "Cuckoo's Nest", now called a Health Center. He probably only does so after midnight. As I have written, "Nicky Exarchou has been practicing as a psychiatrist specializing in electroshock with the license of a Greek thoracic surgeon, Exarhos #418-02 since the first Bush administration. I just checked and discovered that he is now getting by with #165-01, in Psychiatry from Univeristy Libre Bruxelles Medecine 1978, allegedly licensed here in 1985. I have determined that a doctor's license represents the number of the school that he or she graduated from. Before this he was practicing without one. Nicky used the 418 license in 1999 to get a court order to have me injected. Since the notice of the mentioned elevated PSA level came from 425 Robinson St., Nicky's alleged office, I presumed that this office would be in the single room on the 11th floor of the State Hospital's Garvin Building, where they administered electroshock. Upon being told that there is not much in that room, I said that Nicky was probably using jumper cables hooked up to an electrical outlet." In the early 1990s, the Washington Post was the paper that revealed that he was a Psychiatrist, specializing in electroshock. The first license was from a university in Thessalonica. Now Bruxelles is apparently saying that there is such a thing as a Psychiatrist, specializing in electroshock. Is that their Nazi Death Doctor category? Let them demonstrate on themselves how it is done. Use a 220 volt outlet too! 3/11 Let me remind you that a diploma on the wall is not proof that your doctor is licensed to practice medicine. He has to be a registered physician; thus his name will be listed in the Registry of Physicians.

Justice for NY's Stud Guv?

"Here I am thinking up against this family a calamity from which you people will not remove your necks!" (Mic. 2:3)

If Governor Spitzer won't betray his Bush Nazi compatriots, put him in NYS Mental Health system under the care of alleged doctor, Nazi Death Doctor Nicky Exarchou, for having supported such a sham. "Relax Guv! I promise you that you won't feel any pain!" No brain! No pain!

3/10 Re: Governor Eliot Spitzer; "All who see him will shake their heads." (Ps. 64:Cool He surrounded himself with Bush Nazis thinking he would be safe as long as he didn't interfere with what they were doing. When they abducted me in Ithaca for the first time, I wrote an appeal for the reversal of judgments against me by the demented ones who claimed to be doctors, and Spitzer's office blocked it every step of the way. For that they made him Governor. They made the guy who the appeal was against head of Mental Hygiene here. As long as you keep serving them, the free ride continues. Tell the Governor that the best revenge is to go out as an Israelite like Saddam. Take as many of them with him as he can.

I went looking for two 2001 articles; Justice Albany Style and Justice America Style, and neither was available. Those articles concluded, among other things, that the destruction of Albany and DC was the only way to set matters straight. "No one calls for justice, no one goes to law honestly, they rely on empty arguments and speak lies, they conceive mischief and bring forth iniquity....Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands far off. ... Truth is nowhere to be found, and he who departs from evil makes himself a prey." (Is. 59:4,14-15) This situation probably arises because the foolproof plan is for there to be no legitimate doctors or lawyers in the Mental Health system. (3/30 It seems like throughout the medical profession they are no longer trained to think. They are trained to act professional and be sweet. Every Gad damn one of them behaves like a doctor.) I did find an article that is apparently a preview of Justice Albany Style, made available by NYC IMC, which will no longer post anything of mine. Here is what I found:

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Mensaje  Admin Lun Oct 27, 2008 10:09 pm

February 16, 2001 02:54PM EST NYC IMC "Justice New York Style"

By Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel'

This is an account of the author's attempt to attain justice after being abducted and unlawfully hospitalized for 15 months.

Dear New York City; Having endured more than my share of lawlessness as "Israel", the Deaf Messenger of the Lord; it still surprised me in August 1998 when an alleged social worker, who the police have told me is a doctor or director of Mental Health, had me picked up in handcuffs and hospitalized for 15 months with what was probably a forged pickup notice. When my assigned attorney of Mental Hygiene Legal Service filed a Notice of Appeal on a 7/99 Order for six months of forced injections, he waited until January 2000 to tell me that the issue was moot, that he couldn't help me, and that I should pursue it on my own. I was seeking the reversal of all judgments against me and the restitution, which alleged doctor Nicholas Exarchou had agreed to pay me in court; and charges against my assigned attorney for fifteen laws that I allege that he violated, including first degree assault. Since the alleged doctor very likely is, as I revealed in court, "a very respectable narcotic kingpin"; all of Albany seems to be supporting him, for I had him admit in court that he had agreed to pay me 665 million dollars. Since my fabricated chemical delusional diagnosis can be a "death sentence", the restitution is probably now over a billion dollars and growing by a million dollars per day. (@ $3.3 B now!)( they threw cyanic gas (blueprint paper and acid produces cyanic gas) in my room every half hour until I spoke out to fabricate this diagnosis - cyanic gas produces chest constriction, heart pain, and sometimes instant death) A 12 page claim for the illegally sold and restored abandoned property that I had legally lived on for two years prior to my abduction is being prevented from reaching the Comptroller to further impede my appeal. (Abandoned Property Law 1210 (98 supplement) Active at the time of abduction) It seems like their game was to get the appeal dismissed without the judges ever seeing it. They ordered me to obtain a record for a practically undocumented hearing; i.e. hundreds of dollars for papers that I already have. I wasted my paltry eight week extension trying to get them to send the record that I was due: (1) because the state filed the Notice of Appeal, (2) because the Assistant Solicitor General offered to send me any papers that I needed, (3) because I am a poor person with no earned income since 1991, and (4) maybe because I am deaf. Since they were so intent on dismissing this appeal, the judges probably never saw my July cross-motion to dismiss the Attorney General and dissolve the Appellate Division. The judges also apparently never saw my 11/6/00 four page embossed motion for an extension, for the Clerk unlawfully dismissed the appeal with a 12/28/00 unsigned order. In light of the apparent universal support of the alleged doctor, paper communication is out; so please call for hair sample tests to see if narcotic addiction is fueling their support of this lawlessness. (In the early nineties The Washington Post revealed that Nicholas Exarchou was a Psychiatrist, specializing in electroshock, for they were saying that he was GHW Bush's doctor.) Don't let someone anonymously "hide" this article. If the Attorney General or the Supreme Court calls to complain, have them put their rebuttal in writing. If the alleged doctor calls, ask him where he went to medical school, where he went to college, where he went to high school, and where he went to grade school. What happened to me has happened to a lot of people who were never heard from again. If you have doubts about the prevalence of narcotic addiction, see if they are smoking a waxlike substance that they claim is not really a drug. I suspect that crack, which was first publicized as driving people crazy in the early nineties and worth 300 dollars a gram, is now being mixed with paraffin to such an extent that these people may not recognize it if you sold them paraffin; paraffin pops when it boils and must be the hottest smoke there is. If you comment on this, please be specific and prove that you know what you are talking about. Thank you very much for your time. Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger.

3/26 Nicky is probably still an "Illegal Alien" to this day. GHW Bush says that his fortune came from Nicky. See if you can prove that.

PS: Let them prove that the Governor ever had sex with one of these girls. He looks impotent to me. 3/12 GHW Bush says that the Governor's situation arises because they were trying to cover up the discovered vote miscounts that put him in office. "You have a cloak! You be our leader!" (Is. 3:6) If you want a leader who's approved by God, check the clouds for His approval. God's power is in the sky! (Is. 9:16; 48:17; Ps. 68:34) 3/13 GHW Bush said that Manchester and Liverpool England told this heralded prostitute that waylaid the Governor to prove that she had sex with him, or they were going to dismember her alive! Sounds like another war in the making. And it sounds like the NY Police Department is in the call girl business too! Of course Spitzer is going to say that he never saw the woman in his life. 3/14 Foolproof plan! Send Nazi Death Doctor, Nicky Exarchou and people from Mental Hygiene and NYS Attorney General's office to Albany with a gas generator in a pickup to jumpstart Spitzer's brain, fix his sexual problem, etc. I bet Spitzer humps trees if he can't find a woman. SAVE THE TREES!

A GREEN DREAM; 3/14 Went to a Shade Tree meeting last night and found that the life span of a city tree is 13 years! Remember Dieback at Cornell (Fools of Babylon 9/30) and my Oak Story of 2002? Soak your acorns now and put them in the ground in a few days. Plant them in every conceivable place that a tree can be planted and place a protective barrier around it when the first leaves appear. If anyone is caught messing with the trees, leave their bodies there to mark the spot to try again next year. Since leaving a stump of a branch when pruning a tree is the norm, that literally kills the tree, for there is no way for such a cut to heal. It usually takes two cuts to prune a branch, and the second cut should be flush with the trunk and/or branch that is being pruned. This is intentional shoddy work and should not be tolerated. Get rid of such morons. The oaks will come back and thrive, for dieback is a fabricated myth. Every spring pesticide barriers will be placed on the trunks to stop the forest tent caterpillars and to prove that those caterpillars were causing dieback. All oak varieties will probably thrive again. This is the best way to plant an oak, for it is nearly impossible to dig up an older oak tree when it has such an extensive root system. More than any other thing that you can dream up, these trees will make America green again. "See the tree, how big it's grown, but friend it hasn't been too long, it wasn't big! I laughed at her, and she got mad, the first day that she planted, it, was just a twig!" 4/6 These forest tent caterpillars are apparently causing dieback of practically all deciduous trees. I bet that Bush Nazis are breeding these caterpillars and putting the eggs around landscape plants everywhere. The same goes for bedbugs, which I wrote about in suppressed writings in 2000-2001. The Bush Nazis infested my apartment with them in Ithaca, and they were probably breeding them in a laboratory.

5/14 I just saw them pruning the trees at BC Public Library, and they were pruning the new shade trees in the parking lot like a hedge, cutting off the ends of the branches. That ruins the trees! A pruning cut must be made flush to the trunk or the branch being pruned, or the cut end will continuously die back. These dead portions will also allow the whole trunk or branch to be infected and decay, for the cuts will never heal. The purpose of making a cut flush to the trunk or the branch is to enable the tree to heal itself when the bark grows over the cut. YOU CANNOT PRUNE A SHADE TREE LIKE A HEDGE! A hedge can heal such end cuts. A shade tree cannot! Where did they get their training from? What ails these people? Those trees are ruined now! The growing tips were cut. Go look at what happens to an evergreen when you cut the growing tip.They also pruned the holly that way too! That is not supposed to be pruned like a hedge either! Bobby Meade Floriculture and Ornamental Horticulture Cornell 1976

FYI There's a lot of dead wood on trees in this town that they could have addressed, but they were probably saying, "Hey! There's some live ones! Lets do them!"

3/19 This town is getting ready to do another multi-million dollar demolition of a five or seven story building. They know that there are people who will take such a building down by hand for less than a hundred thousand dollars. They would recycle every single thing that could be recycled. They would find buyers for every single piece that was saved. Those buildings were built with the best wood there ever was on earth. It can be reused to build buildings that will outlast anything made from wood that is cut today. People who take down such buildings know enough to avoid hazardous material such as asbestoes, but we have kind caring Bush Nazis telling us otherwise. The Bush Nazis want that asbestoes packed in special bags so that they can take them and contaminate any place that they want to. (4/11 They just announced that they are going to spend $4 million for the demolition of a few 3-7 story buildings up at Binghamton Psych Center. (There are wreckers who would do all of them manually for less than a $100,000!) They will do this with machines; i.e. like incompetent stumblebums. It is probably an attempt to conceal that the ventilation systems are full of stuff like arsenic, Anthrax, and other toxic substances.) For the latest, read GHW Bush; Friend of the Devil *

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Fecha de inscripción : 26/10/2008

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Mensaje  Admin Lun Oct 27, 2008 10:11 pm

FYI: Letter to My Food Science Professor:

Dear Professor XXXX,

I understand that you are retired now, but I was wondering if you or someone you know might be interested in pursuing research on some of the topics that I have addressed. If you don't remember me, I was the one who sat in front of the class and slept through every single class in Spring 76. If you didn't start showing slides immediately, I would ask, "Are you going to show slides today?" i.e. (Turn off the lights!) Please understand that I was deaf and couldn't understand a word that you were saying. The only reason that I was on campus was because I was coming from Professor XXXX's Botany class. He was the best to walk that campus, and I could understand every word that he was saying. I would go to sleep with a question that was not covered in your book and wake up, remember it, and saunter over and ask if you had covered this or that. You never had, and I would never be able to understand your answer; thus I would always ask if that was going to be on the test. I looked at your new edition of Food Science at the library and see that you had practically made it into an upper level course. I notice that you mentioned that antibiotics block Vitamin K production in the intestines. I have addressed that, for I found research up at Cornell @ 2001 that proved that elevated levels of common chemicals such as calcium and sulphur block Vit. K production and that results in diabetes. OHS books (from 1990s) proved that diabetes was epidemic in farm workers exposed to high levels of those chemicals. These chemicals are in the air and water supply everywhere, and they are never addressed because experts say that they are not toxic. Tap water everywhere is worthless because of this. Coffee is worthless because of this. I believe that this is the fulfillment of the Wormwood prophecy of Revelations 8:11 (Lam. 3:15), for Wormwood in the Bible means bitterness. Water has been made bitter by the addition of such elements. Although it is hard to confirm, when they launched Mir Space Station, they said that it was named Wormwood; thus they have probably been dumping these chemicals in the water supplies since long before Mir fulfilled the "falling star" portion of this prophecy; i.e. since they named it Wormwood. Also the bee colony collapse is probably primarily due to sulphur in the air. Let me add here that the tangled nerves of Alzheimers is also the result of amyloid production that is promoted by these chemicals and other factors

On another front I have addressed the potato blight of the Potato Famine being caused by the intentional contamination of seed potatoes. I asked XXXX of Plant Breeding, where I worked for a season in 82, to see if he could prove that, but I never checked back with him. I have addressed Vitamin C in citrus, for I lived in Florida for @ five years and have come to appreciate what good citrus can do for the body. California apparently made a mistake in opting for seedless oranges, for I believe that the seed is what promotes Vitamin C production, which has been greatly reduced because of the lack of bees. Apparently those seeds are bigger and promote more Vit. C if they are pollinated even if the seeds are sterile. Same goes with tangerines. California also doesn't ripen their citrus. When I lived in DC 83-96, there was an old lady, Mrs. Carter who would give me California oranges that were about ten years old. That stuff keeps forever. Texas oranges are even worse. I bet you can break car windows with those things. Lemon juice is also a must for me. Squeeze lemons that is. (4/10 I buy ReaLemon in the squeeze containers on a regular basis, for it is the best chelator there is. I bought some at a Giant grocery store in Binghamton a few weeks ago, and the containers had indentations in them. The juice was watered down and/or contaminated. Those containers must have tamperproof caps, like the Sicilia lemon juice caps for instance. I like the ReaLemon juice, but I am reluctant to buy it again after that incident. Please help persuade them to secure that stuff better.) I have suggested lemon juice along with good water such as Poland Spring as the best remedy for petroleum poisoning along with vigorous exercise.(Good water has no taste. 3/29 Bought Poland Spring water that was tampered with and reported it via No luck! Insecure site! Que pasa? 4/2 Got a response from PS indicating that they hadn't read a word that I wrote. Here's the presumed problem. Giant had sulphured water in 1 gallon Poland Spring containers with Portola snap caps and 2/2010 expiration date. I am pretty sure that it should be 3/2010 expiration date with San Jose snap caps. Looks like they are taking old containers and filling them with bad water. (4/8 I went to buy a Poland Spring gallon today at a reliable Giant store and found that it had snap caps from Mexico with a 4/2010 expiration date. I asked for a gallon from the gallon containers that were in PS sealed boxes and saw that those had San Jose snap caps with 4/2010 expiration dates; thus I bought one of those rather than trust snap caps from Mexico. Frankly I don't think PS gives a damn! 4/9 Culprits entered my apartment yesterday and substituted one of the gallons with a snap cap from Mexico for a good one; thus I learned that those gallons with the Mexican snap caps contained bad water!) I also told PS how banal they were to require a phone number to contact them when they have the email addresses plus I am deaf. The parent company, Nestle is probably just as bad, for I quit them when they were selling heavily sulphured milk thirty years ago.) I addressed this issue because of personal experience, my writings on the Persian Gulf War and the PGW Syndrome which I attributed to oil smoke from the burning oil wells, and the dumping of excess aviation fuel by the airline industry as a safety measure. I know that there are billions of gallons of NAPHTHA dumped worldwide every year and that is a major cause of asthma. (3/24 I have determined that the dumping of aviation fuel shows up on local Doppler radar or satellite radar as a speckled pattern or blips on clear days, or appears blue or pink in rainstorms and red when it is dumped over the desert, for the petroleum seems to stand out more on radar than water. At home my Queer Kennedy landlord's workers have loosened the square sections of the oak flooring by pounding on it from underneath in the basement; thus they flood the place with fuel fumes at night. A cough where you cough until you feel like vomiting is promoted by aviation fuel. That is smoker's cough, and smokers are a lot more sensitive to airborne fuel than others. The lungs become raw, the voice is lost, and musculoskeletal pain, chills, and runny sinuses develop. Fibromyalgia is probably petroleum poisoning from inhalation of petroleum vapors. Once significant damage is done, all it takes is trace amounts of petroleum to cause the symptoms of Fibromyalgia to flare up.) I have also found that California lettuce has been tampered with here. There would be brown spots, probably bacteria, on the base of the inner leaves, indicating that the heads were probably contaminated during the washing process. This went on and on for about six months last year, and I would end up throwing out about 30% of each leaf. That is unreal after the Taco Bell scenario.

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Fecha de inscripción : 26/10/2008

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Mensaje  Admin Lun Oct 27, 2008 10:12 pm

In closing I would like to suggest that you take a look at the McGraw-Hill science encyclopedias, which are very popular in public libraries. Try to find out how big bacteria is in any one of those books. It is unreal how stupid these alleged scientists have become; i.e. they are trying to obfuscate micrometrics. Also water and air filters are another area where stupidity has prevailed. They talk about new thousand dollar filters being able to filter on the molecular level when the openings are measured in microns. I figured that there is a trillion atoms in a nanometer; thus the only molecules that such filters are going to pick up are going to be part of large particles. For seven years now I have been promoting and using a T-shirt soaked in baking soda and water, strapped to the back of a box fan to filter my air. That will clear the air of acidic compounds in seconds. That is why they came out with all these high priced air filters. The last time that I heard of water being used to filter air was in the early sixties when my father tried to make such a filter work on our furnace. No dice! Thus I lost my hearing due to ear infections brought on by acid air. Sorry to have deceived you if you thought that I was listening to your lecture while I was sleeping, but they would have never had let me graduate if I had admitted to having a hearing problem. They would have just kept saying that you also need this or that to graduate if you can't hear until I gave up. Hope all is well with you. Best wishes. Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby"
Floriculture and Ornamental Horticulture 76. Also Therapeutic Recreation 88 Gallaudet Univeristy (A waste of time! Couldn't stand the deaf. Set off that deaf protest when I wrote about them. Wrote an assessement form in my internship that is probably still used by the field today, but no work because I picked a DC site, Great Oaks Center, got moved on by coprophagists, and I've been moving on them ever since! So it goes. I would appreciate knowing if you received this or not. Thank you very much for your time. meaderobe (at) Alternate address; rsm86 (at) (Pretty worthless for personal email))

3/20 Note that Nazi Death Doctor Nicky Exarchou probably exited southern Argentina yesterday, heading northeast over the south Atlantic; i.e. Dr. "E". Looking for Hitler? Today looks like an "X" shows him entering Iraq. Que pasa? I know that he has hotels in the Middle East, but not Iraq. Was he going about as Madam "X"? 3/21 The clouds show the big "E" traveling east over southern Asia. GHW Bush says that he now avoids my tracking him by going about dressed in drag. I bet he wears a veil too. 3/22 Clouds show the big "E" heading north over the northwest Pacific. 4 PM EST Now heading east to Alaska! 3/24 After an Easter on which the Bush Nazis flooded the town with aviation fuel, nicotine, and other such toxics; note that the big "E" is over South Dakota. Even if his aircraft claims diplomatic immunity; it should be brought to the attention of authorities that he is probably still an "Illegal Alien" to this day. PM He is now over Minnesota headed for Wisconsin. 3/26 Bush Nazi control of weather maps makes it hard to track Nicky now, but he may be in Spain or on the Mediterranean. 4/5 Looks like Nicky could be in eastern Europe. 4/12 He's apparently in the Binghamton area again!

What do you do with Nicky Exarchou and others of his ilk? They will come to you when you read this or talk about it so just send them after whoever sent them to you, telling them that The Lord's after them, and they must destroy whoever sent them to you, for "when they stop destroying, they will be destroyed" (Is. 33:1) No, that doesn't mean that they have to go on throwing chemicals, or they will be destroyed. That means that they have to destroy or betray every single poophead, queer boy, or Jew that they know who has been supporting the designs of the Bush Nazis, for they will be destroyed when they stop doing so.

The Lord's, a great organization that no one can count from every tribe, people, language, and nation. (Rev. 5:9-10; 14:6-7) And among The Lord's there are those who take up the sword. "The LORD looked and was displeased that there was no justice. He put on righteousness as his breastplate, and the helmet of salvation on his head; he put on the garments of vengeance and wrapped himself in zeal as in a cloak. According to what they have done, so will he repay wrath to his enemies and retribution to his foes ...From the west, people will fear the name of the LORD and from the rising of the sun, they will revere his glory. For he will come like a pent-up flood." (Is. 59:15-19) So it will be when The Lord's living by the sword clean this place up. Many of The Lord's will be of Joseph, a tribe of aliens from the ancient mountains who will tell them that they can stay here no longer. Many of those of Joseph will be those who were force-fed feces as infants by the coprophagic lawless ones or those were were slyly fed the same in sweet foods as adults. "Be silent in the Lord's presence." (Deut. 33:13-17; Zeph. 1:7)

NO MORE DELAY! "Who has heard our message, and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?" (Is.53:1) Mi Mama has progressive lung disease brought on by @ 20 years of continuous chemical onslaught.(Jer.15:9) When she goes, He says that He will put "the survivors to the sword". Do you think He is talking about just my family? It is every one who has believed my message. You have been singled out! Everything that you need to know is in my writings of the past eighteen months. There is no need for you to take up the sword against them, for God has provided many creative ways to deal with them. If you do take up the sword, remember that you are destined to fall by the sword even if you are one of His people destined to return in a few years to rule with Him for a thousand years. Whatever the case, the time to move is now while it is still day! (Matt.22:14; Ps.25:14-15; Deut.13:6-9; Is.54:17) 3/21 Full moon! New moon! Half moon! Whatever! You can find it at the Love Festivals of Hooterville! Who in Hooterville are you taking to the Hooterville Ball?

Peace! Piece! Whichever comes first! "Sweet dreams and flying machines in pieces on the ground." If you own an aircraft or an airline, you would have stopped this dumping of gas in the air a few weeks ago, but it continues unabated. No matter how convincing these kind caring Bush Nazis are, you should have realized that people are not going to tolerate such inanity any longer. By enabling these Bush Nazis to "exert their influence" from their aircraft and stealth helicoptors, you have made the destruction of every single aircraft the only way to stop such inanity. That is what it now means for GHW Bush to have his "wings torn off". (Dan. 7:4) "Sweet dreams and flying machines in pieces on the ground!" "Oh, you got more important things to do? Support our troops and make Dumb Boy Dubya a Gad damn war hero? That war was dreamed up by someone munching turds on the toilet! Nuff said?" 3/30 Go ahead! Shoot a few down too! Remember TWA Flight 800 being shot down by a "surface-to-air missile"? (There were films of that missile; plus it was documented in suppressed writings of mine.) Remember how well they covered that up because there was a class on it from Pennsylvania that I had met on the East Lawn of the U.S. Capitol? That was the work of the Bush Nazis! Just shoot a few down! Blame it on GHW Bush! Say that there was a pack of Bob Meade believers on that plane! The Bush Nazi "military"; i.e. the media, will never even mention it. You don't need a missile either! Just have back-up to stop interlopers. Say this is a "safety measure" too! "Been out shooting "silver birds", heh?" 4/1 There's no other way. You know that these people would be out dumping gas on the same day that they promised not to dump any more! As for GHW Bush's Eagle stealth helicoptors (4), bring them down too. That billion dollar aircraft with its polychromatic carbon fiber body and chemical warfare capabilities was the most absurd waste of taxpayer money that there ever was. Even though it changes color according to the background so you can't see it, every single airport knows when they are around. If that star of Air Force One is still on them, it's probably not legal. Put USSR on those helicoptors and don't tell them what USSR stands for. Bring them down at Dryden High School as per instructions. (4/6 Those Eagles usually show up as an "E" on the weather maps. If the military claims that these chemicalmongering sh*t-eating Bush Nazis are part of the military, that's more serious than any war that they are pretending to fight. Bobby Meade The Unknown Soldier PGW 1/16-2/5/91 That was a 21 Day War! No one died!) Do you doubt the truth of 9/11 as revealed in the Fools of Babylon 9/30? Where are the pictures of these alleged hijackers boarding the planes? These Bushes are like the thugs who trash a place to get hired as security guards! (GHW Bush said that Putin repeated key lines about Dumb Boy and his stupid war in seven other languages before English to show them how stupid Dumb Boy is. This was deleted from Russia IMC; i.e. a PS to Ivan. Do it any way you can! Prove that GHW Bush is a prophet!)(4/5 GHW Bush says that Dubya has dumped chemicals too! "Harmless stuff!"; they call it. Try to get him to admit that then show him how fast any chemical that they have dumped can kill a person!) 4/11 Keep in mind that the Chemical Weapons Convention, ratified in April 1997 banned chemical warfare on earth; but these Bush Nazis continue, saying that it was just a little bit or that it's harmless stuff. 5/17 Note that there is probably a shortage of nurses because they can't find many to support Hitler's Health Care; i.e. Samaria; i.e. the hypocrites in the medical profession posing as good Samaritans.

4/9 Saw a picture of Dumb Boy crying today. They can cry on the spot. They say that is proof that they feel emotions. They also send preselected emotional spam and chain letters (they track them too!), saying that is also proof that they are emotional. I bet that they don't even read that stuff!

Hey Miami! Can you help here? Attempt for info from Miami and Ft. Lauderdale police, schools, and newspapers:

Dear Sir;
My name is Robert Meade. I was looking for a record of the murder or death of a woman named Mary Petkash @ May 1971. I was attending Pine Crest Prep School in Fort Lauderdale, and she was coming to the swimming pool where I and my brother were practicing in attempts to talk to my brother. The coach and one of the swimmers showed me a police blotter, reporting that a Mary Petkash had been murdered and/or her body had been found. I don't know if it happened in Fort Lauderdale or Miami, but I do know that she had been attending Miami Dade Junior College (68-71?). I don't know if you can send such information over the Internet, or I have to make this request in writing. My brother doubts me and says that she is alive and has talked to her. I would appreciate it if you could confirm that police blotter or tell me how I should make the request. Thank you very much for your time. Robert Meade 7 Eaton Place Apt 1 Binghamton, NY 13905 meaderobe (at)

Follow-up letter to Ft. Lauderdale contact:
Dear Mr. XXXX;
It was a horrific murder I suspect, or the body had been mutilated. I believe that it may have been removed from the records and that the only place to find it would be in the Indexes of the Ft. Lauderdale Sun Sentinel; i.e. if it did happen in Ft. Lauderdale. She was attending Miami Dade Junior College at the time (68-71?), I believe, and I am trying via the site. Perhaps the swim coach remembers it. I have no way of contacting him. I am deaf. Let me tell you here that a dude showed up, saying that Mary Petkash and my brother were his parents. That story is so full of holes it is ridiculous, and he would probably have had to been born when Mary was 7; thus I am trying to prove what happened to Mary. This wannabe nephew of mine says that his name is Billy Bollander and he was behind my being picked up by Cornell Police and my being locked up twice for a total of three years on the basis of his hearsay and innuendo. Secret Service is probably involved in suppressing the murder and promoting the Billy Bollander story, for I have had much contact with them and written extensively on the criminality of the Bush Administrations. Thank you very much for your time. Respectfully yours, Robert Meade

PS: Since there has been no reply from three emails sent to different sites in Miami, I suspect that is where it might have occurred. I wrote to Miami Dade Police site and the Medical Examiners site. Miami Dade PD was not in existence at the time, I believe. Did they replace the Dade County Sheriff? Miami Police are also hard to contact. I get a lot of interference on the computer for I am Bobby Meade, Israel, Deaf Messenger. Google or Yahoo my name, and you should get @ 784,000 links. 4/13 I did get a reply from Miami Dade College north, which used to be Miami Dade Junior College, saying that my request had been "Solved". Upon being told that I had to send something like a "registered email" via a server in order to obtain this information, I told them, "No can do!" Having a server is probably like inviting a Bush Nazi into your family! Let me tell you that Miami Dade College is now the largest and most diverse college there is! (160,000) GHW Bush says that is the result of the Holocaust money of the Bush Nazis being poured into that place for supporting stuff like the Mary Petkash murder and the rolling of Jim Morrison of the Doors in Miami Hoyt Auditorium. Have you figured it out? A preselected audience! "Free Tickets to the Doors Concert!" "She's got a ticket to ride ride ride!" See Jim Morrison Blues **

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Mensaje  Admin Lun Oct 27, 2008 10:13 pm

Letter from 4/10 to BBolla@(railroad)com (Contrary to what has been appearing on some sites; there is no such thing as an email address with parantheses in it.) Keep in mind that Illegal Alien Nicky Exarchou, the alleged doctor, specializing in electroshock, has a court case in the Law Books from @ 50 years ago, where he was arguing for the right to transport chemicals by the boxcar; thus Billy Bollander is probably in league with him, dumping chemicals by the boxcar on the populace:

Dear Wannabe Nephew,
When I was abducted by Cornell Police in 2001, they hinted to the judge that I had to know who Billy Bollander was, saying that he was the one talking about me to them. When I was abducted again in 2003, these same cops came to Binghamton and falsely claimed that I had seriously injured them in 2001. The same thing apparently happened in 1998 as a result of your information. Three years I was locked up! Who in hell are you boy? Mary Petkash was murdered in Fort Lauderdale or Miami @ 1971 as far as I know. She could have never carried a child till birth anyway. She would have miscarried! Send this woman's address who you claim is Mary Petkash and stop sending spam and chain letters. Bobby Meade

(The following letter was apparently written by Billy Bollander, impersonating my brother Tom, for it came from (railroad)com i.e. double-r. You type the email, they track it!)

I read the E-mail you sent to Bill Bollander. You are pathetic. Your delusions have crossed the line. As much as I love you I am telling you don't ever send an E-mail to Bill again. He doesn't know you, ever met you or had anything to do with you. You have created realities in your mind that are only real to you and it is time to corect them. Mary Petkash is not dead. You always leverage your statements like Mary was killed by saying "as far as I know". Well you don't know SH*T! I saw Mary with the baby (Bill) in San Fransisco when he was born and have seen Mary several times since. The police never mentioned his name and it is time to stop. Your letters are getting worse and you know you are going to cross the line again and end back up at the Psych Center. So knock it off and let it go. I don't want you ever to contact Bill again do you understand that? Tom

Dear Tom, (Is this your home computer address? (double-r).com?)
And how in hell did you get the letter to Billy Bollander if it was not a sham to begin with? Why do you have a different picture of him now than you had in the 70s when he first appeared? Danny Gonzalez of the Cornell Police told Judge Rossiter that Billy Bollander was who he had been talking to about me. Go to Danny Gonzalez. Chip showed me a police blotter from either the Fort Lauderdale News or the Miami Herald, saying that a Mary Petkash had been murdered. They knew who Mary Petkash was because she had been up to Pine Crest looking for you before she finally did catch you there. Send me a recent picture of Mary. Love, Bobby

PS TO READERS: Upon being told that I had to contact the Ft. Lauderdale Police by telephone or in-person to obtain the information that I wanted, I finally remembered that this police blotter revealed that Mary Petkash's body had been decapitated or dismembered. They are saying that this is privileged information, that they are trying to protect the public, and/or that something bad will probably happen to you if you reveal the information to anyone; thus they are suppressing such info to promote more of the same. In short they are probably saying that nobody can reveal what happened to Mary Petkash without being eliminated by these sensitive authorities for trying to bring up such a subject again. Keep in mind that a favorite practice of the Bush Nazis is to send the guilty one who commited the crime to befriend friends of the victims. The same holds true for their putting Sarah Hajney's and Jennifer Bolduc's bodies through a woodchipper and suppressing news of Elijah Evans' birth in Wheaton, Illinois in 11/95 (see Fools of Babylon 9/30) That is their foolproof plan to cover up what they do to people, i.e. they say that they are too sensitive to talk about such stuff; thus it is best to dispose of them the same way. This is God's way of showing forth their work so it will not benefit them. (Is. 57:12) PPS Send this to Bbolla or anyone who knows him with instructions from Isaiah 33:1. 5/4 According to GHW Bush, the best way to motivate the lawless ones to fulfill Is. 33:1 is to send them pictures or videos of what is going to happen to them if they stop destroying those who God has condemned.

The Return of Saddam's Sword! 4/15

Summary for Russian post 1/3/07: "Have you heard "The Word"? Our friend is gonna be a star!" Do you think that Saddam Hussein was an Israelite, living by the sword? Then he should have died by the sword; nevertheless cut off his head, make him an idol of Israel, and see if the Lord approves.(Could Saddam still bring his sword on the entire earth? (Saddam with his sword, published early 2007) Who could stop him now?) If you do take up the sword, remember that you are destined to fall by the sword even if you are one of His people destined to return in a few years to rule with Him for a thousand years. Whatever the case, the time to move is now while it is still day! (Matt.22:14; Ps.25:14-15; Deut.13:6-9; Rev. 20:6; Is.54:17)

Islam and Allah came from Ishmael, a wild donkey of a man whose hand was against everyone, and everyone's hand was against him.(Gen. 16:12) Mohammed was an Ishmaelite, Saddam was an Israelite, living by the sword. The wrath of Saddam had been revealed against the sh*theads, the gays, and the Jews that God had condemned, and they called Saddam a terrorist even as they proclaimed their sin like Sodom, they did not hide it.(Rom. 1:16-32; Is. 3:9) Now there are sh*theads everywhere since they got rid of Saddam!

One year ago, 2/24/07 it was made known what was to be done with these veiled women of Islam in Holy Smoke! Bobby Meade. "Make yourself bald and cut off your hair, make yourself bald as an eagle.(Mic. 1:16) Because the daughters of Zion are haughty and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go. The Lord will take away all of their finery, their hoods, and their veils. Instead of perfume, there will be rottenness; instead of well-set hair, baldness; instead of a rich robe, sackcloth; instead of beauty, shame."(Is. 3:16-25)There is nothing religious about these veils, they just conceal the effects of the secret "power food" of the Moabite women of Shittim (Numbers 25:1-4). That's where the word sh*t came from. These veils conceal the sh*t-eating look on the face of these women; furthermore they shuttle terrorists, dressed in drag as they travel in groups. They said that Saddam was a terrorist for getting rid of sh*theads etc. Who in the Middle East has not had their brains fried by eating the professed delicacies of these Moabite women? Do you wonder why they all listen to some mouthy sh*thead who has memorized some religious diatribe? The Moabite women who have rebelled against God are surely the ones who your mouthy ones will choose to sacrifice, for according to their plans from Satan, "I am sure you will need little preparation for such a duty, for sacrifice has always been the watchword of our people, and the DEATH OF A FEW THOUSAND .. in exchange for world leadership is indeed a SMALL PRICE to pay"; thus their little ones shall be dashed to pieces, and the pregnant women ripped open.(Hos.13:16) "The day of their watchmen, of their punishment, of their being given attention, has come." (Mic. 7:4) The watchman says, "Morning has come, and also the night." (Is. 21:12) Zion shall be plowed as a field; Jerusalem shall become a heap of rubble." (Mic. 3:12) See Hidden Things You Do Not Know! Bobby Meade

Veiled Women and the Big Red Captain, which addressed this issue has disappeared from Forum Topix. Posted 3/08. Save a piece of my sensitive censors for me! This has also been disappearing immediately; thus I put it at the end of Hidden Things....


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Fecha de inscripción : 26/10/2008

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Mensaje  Admin Lun Oct 27, 2008 10:14 pm

4/19 Getting tired of Bro Bubba Bill's woman Hillary dancing with the demons of demockracy, priding herself on being able to carry on conversation with morons. She knows how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but she cannot interpret the signs of the times. (Matt. 16:3) That is, she cannot read the clouds or realize that His power is in the sky. (Ps. 68:34) She honors Him with her lips while her heart is far from Him. (Is. 29:13-14) Do you realize how the Serpent gained control of her? Although you won't find any record of it now, Secret Service went and grabbed Saddam's anthrax stash after the PGW; "tens of thousands of liters of anthrax". (That apparently wasn't even Saddam's stuff, for it was a foreign country producing it in Iraq.) As I have written, a kilogram is enough to kill NYC, and they had enough to dump on the populace for years. Hillary scored big in beef futures because the price of meat goes down every time they dump anthrax on the livestock, for they butcher the cattle that become jittery from the anthrax in the air. Someone who knew about their plans to dump in cattle country apparently tipped her off; thus she continues to cater to them, playing the game of demockracy. (Is. 51:12-13) ""Hillary's" crying, but it ain't no use! She's got a habit, and she can't get loose!" I wrote in '98 that David Wolf was the one to take over and get David's House of Jacob built. NASA has apparently erased David Wolf from the records, and God knows what they did to him. In spite of this, I suspect that David Wolf is still capable of interpreting the signs of the times. Don't forget that God has promised us a leader named David. (Jer. 23:5; 33:25-26 Is. 16:5 Ez. 37:24) Nuff said? "Dave!" "Dave's not home!" 5/14 I wonder if Hillary's W. Virginia victory is the work of Secret Service. As long as she is in Government, she should try to prove that Khalid Mohammed is alive or that Saddam Hussein was really the terrorist that they claim he was. Those chemicals that they allege Saddam used on people were being produced in Iraq by foreign countries, and the use of them on the populace was probably done by others. Let her prove that Saddam was an Israelite, living by the sword and that he was eliminating the coprophagists, queer boys, and Jews that opposed him. That is why these Bush Nazis were so upset with Saddam. Saddam was the most intelligent leader that the Middle East ever had.

For the latest see Fools of Babylon 9/30/07 Bobby Meade Yahoo search title with my name. That's the fastest way.

If you don't believe that the Bible is the word of God, read Dr. Ivan Panin's Overwhelming Mathematical Evidence of the Divine Inspiration of the Scriptures. That is proof that "in the beginning was the word". It was conceived before language was created. It is proof that those languages came from God too!


Hola hombre! This is serious business! Do you think that the English are really our allies? On the home front they ruined my new Cannondale. I've been trying to reach Cannondale bikes on the computer, and it's impossible. I've also been told not to talk about English Jews. Why not? None of them will admit that they are English Jews, especially after I revealed what happened in the Potato Famine. The only English Jews who will admit that they are Jews is apparently the Walkers. I bet they also did the Protocols and were allied with Hitler in WWII, residing safe in the countryside while London was bombed. Here! Send this to Cannondale, and I'll tell you if I get a response:

Dear Cannondale (North America),
(I sent this letter twice on 4/30. I received a receipt notice from service desk in Europe, but not from you. Let me add her that the links on the chain in question read "HG, EE, VIA" on them. Shouldn't that be TIJ or something like that? Your website is not secure at all apparently, especially Ask Brad.)

I am Bobby Meade, Israel, the Deaf Messenger (Yahoo search my name if interested). In Fall 2006, I bought a red Cannondale Warrior 500. I announced this fact in Reign of Terror and the Heart of Israel, 11/06, and I bet that I've sold more Cannondales than Cannondale since then. In 2/08 I was hit from behind on Riverside Dr. It ruined the back wheel. With much effort I got the woman to pay for replacement, but Chenango Pt. Bikes threw the wheel out after I had asked for it; thus I have no proof that I was run down like that. Now after many problems with shifting, the chain is slipping all the time. Chenango Pt. tells me that the chain is worn out and that happens @ 3,000 miles. In 96-98 I rode a Schwinn Continental @ 24,000 miles, and the chain needed replacement @ 15,000 miles. This Cannondale has @ 2,500 miles on it, and the chain looks like it has @ 10,000 milles on it. Is it possible to prove that chain has been replaced? Is the master link on a newbike put on by hand or by a machine? Is it possible to tell the difference; i.e. whether or not that is the chain that is supposed to be on that bike? Doesn't that ruin the whole drive chain to put an old chain on it like that? Please let me know ASAP. Thank you very much for you time. Bobby Meade meaderobe (at)

PS: They are removing the chains, saying that is how they clean and/or lubricate them, then taking old chains out of a bath and putting those on. The old chain ruins every single tooth on every single gear on the bike! The chain that was on the bike originally is probably worth three times as much as the one they put on; thus they are probably selling those good chains. I need a new bike. You cannot fix what was done to it by riding it with that chain. It is Second Degree Assault to take a chain off and not inform the owner that was done. It is First Degree Assault if a serious accident occurs as a result of such sabotage. Hear that CPB? A new red Cannondale Warrior 500! The hackers removing my posts can't save you! 5/4 The bike is now kaput! As usual, the foolproof plan was for me to go yell at the culprits so they could lock me up again. 5/7 GHW Bush, the prophetical god unto himself says that they are going to get rid of the guys that ruined my bike; furthermore that they are going to be dismembered alive so that it can be filmed and sent to Cannondale to show them what happens to those who sabotage vehicles like that. (Is. 57:12) That is probably the only way that I am going to get a replacement for the Warrior 500; i.e. from Cannondale. 5/13 Is there a flesh-eating tribe of hackers that can be recruited to eat up the evidence? "Not a trace left behind!" GHW Bush calls these hackers his "carnivorous cannibals". Good name for a rock group? What? You think that's funny? Whose rectum did your intelligence come from? 5/10 "Hear this you foolish and senseless people, who have eyes that do not see, who have ears that do not hear." (Jer. 5:21; Is. 6:9-11; Ez. 12:2) Let me tell you about Zippy the Pinhead comic strip, which I've found at the Seattle Post Intelligencer, which has banned me from the forums. Upon being told that Zippy is published in DC and Boston also, I told them that one of the strips featured Zippy eating excrement. Doesn't that make him a sh*thead? A coprophagist? Do you wonder why one of the themes of that strip is "a nation of pinheads"? 5/17 Aren't you terrified of the coprophagic by-products of Kennebunkport and New Haven?

FYI On Forum Topix I have been posting Peace When There Is No Peace **, a post also known as A Sh*thead War. (Jer. 6:14; 8:11), Babbling Baby Bushes, Cannondale Woes, and Sterling Optical; Filthy Glasses. The first three include a summary of Fools of Babylon along with Uncle Nagle's story. These have been posted every place that you can imagine, and it seems like they are only accessible if I am logged in to Forum Topix as RedRider. Uncle Nagle is probably very upset about this; thus you might want to log in via meaderobe (at) and password; israel to see if the articles appear. If it works, maybe doing it on a public computer, pausing it, and splitting is a heck of a way to create a famine for the word of the Lord. They will look but they will not find you! 5/9 The Bush Nazis apparently control Forum Topix and prevent such log-ins, so that is probably little more than a way to attract their attention. What? Huh? Who? Nagle who? Peace When There Is No Peace ** with Fire? Rain? The Choice Remains! from 9/95 is now on Indymedia too!

e-maila:: &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &eurl &eurl &eurl

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Fecha de inscripción : 26/10/2008

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Mensaje  Admin Mar Oct 28, 2008 12:58 pm


LOS MEDIOS DE COMUNICACION. &feature=related &NR=1 &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=relatedPsOaiaKsE&feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &NR=1 &NR=1 &feature=user &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related

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Mensaje  Admin Miér Oct 29, 2008 11:38 am

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Mensaje  Admin Miér Oct 29, 2008 12:01 pm

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GUERRAS EN EL MUNDO - Página 2 Empty "El gobierno estadounidense intenta minimizar la relación entre la guerra y la economía"

Mensaje  Admin Miér Oct 29, 2008 3:06 pm

"El gobierno estadounidense intenta minimizar la relación entre la guerra y la economía"

«Mientras Bush sea presidente, no se hará lo que hay que hacer. Estados Unidos sólo evitará la recesión con políticas públicas que favorezcan los programas sociales y la reactivación económica. Aumentando los impuestos, los del ricos, si es necesario».

Como demuestra en su libro, los gastos de guerra pesan excesivamente sobre una economía ya maltrecha por las elecciones estratégicas de los conservadores. ¿Por qué esta guerra tan costosa e impopular no está en el centro de la campaña electoral?

De momento, el problema central de la campaña es la debilidad de la economía, el empleo –incluso los que tienen trabajo están preocupados por perderlo-, la reducción de los ingresos y el miedo a perder la casa. Es comprensible, y además el gobierno intenta minimizar la relación entre la guerra y la economía. El presidente dijo, en relación con la crisis de las subprimes, que la razón era ¡que se habían construido demasiadas casas! El problema es que se construyeron en una economía que debilita las rentas y obstruye el crecimiento debido a los créditos destinados a la guerra y al aumento de los gastos para el petróleo.

Entonces, ¿la guerra no ha hecho que aumenten los beneficios de las compañías?

Eso es lo que solíamos pensar. Así fue en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Realmente, incluso Greenspan (ex presidente del Banco federal) lo reconoció después de la intervención en Kuwait. Las guerras no son buenas para la economía, no la estimulan. Ya la guerra del golfo debilitó la economía. Y si se compara el actual nivel de vida de un trabajador con el de antes de la guerra, comprobarán que bajó.

Usted declaró que no era una guerra por el petróleo…

Creo que no era el motivo, aunque lo dijeron algunos dirigentes. Si fue una guerra por el petróleo, el resultado ha sido contrario a lo que se buscaba. El barril pasó de 25 dólares al principio de la guerra a casi 130 actualmente. Las condiciones son diferentes de las guerras del Siglo XIX, en las que se ocupaban los países y se acaparaban sus recursos. La privatización del petróleo iraquí habría violado el Convenio de La Haya, firmado por Estados Unidos, que prohibe esta operación sin el acuerdo del gobierno legítimo iraquí.

Sin embargo, a partir de 1997, los autores del Proyecto para un nuevo siglo estadounidense, que formaban el núcleo fundamental del equipo de George Bush, tenían como objetivo a Iraq en nombre de los intereses de Estados Unidos en esa región.

Está claro que había personas que pretendían «llevar la democracia» a Iraq y pacificar Oriente Próximo solucionando el problema palestino, pero eso aparece como una burla y poca gente seria pensaba que eso iba a ocurrir. Es difícil saber lo que pasa en la cabeza de Bush.

Usted es miembro de una comisión creada por el presidente Sarkozy para reflexionar sobre la evaluación del progreso social y los medios para desarrollarlo. ¿Piensa que al inspirarse en el modelo Bush, con las bajadas de impuestos para los más ricos, la desregulación, la reducción de los servicios públicos y la privatización, se puede desarrollar el progreso social?

¡No! Por supuesto que no. Como señalo en mi libro, las consecuencias de esa guerra se agravaron con la desregulación. Necesitamos más reglamentación, y no lo contrario, para controlar la economía. Nuestra comisión se concentró en la medida del crecimiento y el progreso social. Pienso que el producto nacional bruto es un pésimo instrumento para medirlo, ya que el reparto del crecimiento no significa progreso social. Ahora bien, si tienen un mal instrumento de medida tendrán malos resultados.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, el Director General del FMI, considera que la crisis financiera se termina, pero que sus consecuencias económicas se van a sentir todavía durante algún tiempo. ¿Comparte este análisis?

La crisis reviste tres aspectos en Estados Unidos. En primer lugar el estrechamiento del crédito. Los bancos utilizaron montajes tan complicados que no midieron los riesgos que asumían y son incapaces de evaluar correctamente los balances de los demás bancos. En este contexto nadie quiere prestar dinero. Por otra parte están los impagos, especialmente los vinculados a las «subprimes». Un millón y medio de estadounidenses perdieron sus casas y otros dos millones también van a perderlas. Esto no se termina, ya que los precios de las casas, que ya han bajado a un tercio o a la mitad, van a seguir bajando. Cada vez más hipotecas estarán vinculadas a viviendas cuyo precio será inferior a su importe. Y las familias, simplemente, tendrán que abandonarlas. Resumiendo, la macroeconomía.

La economía estadounidense se mantiene gracias a los créditos. Los empréstitos pendientes de las familias hipotecadas sobre sus casas alcanzan los 950.000 millones de dólares. Se añade el recurso a las tarjetas de crédito. Y la tasa de ahorro es nula. Todos esos factores interactúan. La bajada de los precios de las casas restringe el acceso a la hipoteca y en consecuencia al crédito. De ahí una reducción del consumo que deprime la economía. Strauss-Kahn tiene razón, los problemas económicos permanecen. Pero una economía debilitada corre el riesgo de generar todavía más impagos. Y en consecuencia pérdidas para los bancos. Creo, por lo tanto, que no se acaban los problemas financieros. Aunque el choque más terrible ya haya ocurrido.

¿Qué puede hacer el gobierno para frenar la crisis?

Algunos apuestan por las reducciones de impuestos de 150.000 millones de dólares decididas por la administración Bush. Pero las pérdidas vinculadas a las hipotecas se calculan en 950.000 millones. Y la subida de los precios del petróleo, de 75 a 125 dólares el barril, recarga el coste de las importaciones en 250.000 millones, una suma que no se utilizará en la economía estadounidense y es mayor, por sí sola, al importe de las reducciones de impuestos. Además, muchos estadounidenses ya tienen tantas deudas que utilizarán estas reducciones para reembolsarlas más que para consumir. Y se perfila un nuevo problema: la reducción de las rentas de los estados y municipios, que va a incitarles a restringir sus gastos. Lo que pesará sobre la actividad económica. Esta política fiscal es ineficaz, y mientras Bush sea presidente no se hará lo que hay que hacer: apoyar a los estados y municipios, ayudar a los parados, modificar la estructura de la inversión…

¿Cuál es el programa económico de Obama? ¿Se adapta mejor?

Obama tiene como objetivo agrupar. Quiere conocer la opinión de la gente antes de decidir. Una de las reformas principales será la del sistema sanitario. También deberá reactivar la economía, reformar la reglamentación del sistema financiero de tal modo que evite otro derrumbamiento. Y reaccionar a la globalización. Es necesario solucionar esta cuestión: cómo establecer una protección social sin hacer proteccionismo. Los países escandinavos lo han hecho. Obama intentará conseguir el apoyo de los sindicatos, que están preocupados por la destrucción del empleo y el deterioro de los salarios.

¿Diría que es necesaria una vuelta del Estado a la economía?

Sí, ciertamente. En Estados Unidos son las empresas las que proporcionan a sus asalariados el seguro sanitario, la jubilación… El peso de la protección social debe transferirse al sector público para que las empresas sean más flexibles.

¿Eso significa que habría que subir los impuestos?

Habrá que ver qué gastos pueden reducirse para financiar nuevos programas de protección social. Los gastos vinculados a la guerra son un derroche. Los únicos beneficiarios son los traficantes de armas. ¿Eso será suficiente? En cualquier caso, el dogma según el cual el hecho de aumentar los impuestos es necesariamente malo, es inexacto. Los países escandinavos están entre los que viven mejor y tienen tipos impositivos muy altos. Y por eso precisamente tienen éxito. Porque tienen muchos recursos públicos y los gastan en la educación, la investigación y el bienestar de los ciudadanos. Y por eso su sociedad es más productiva y son más competitivos.

Si Obama llega a presidente, Estados Unidos irá entonces hacia más regulación y más impuestos. Sin embargo los países europeos, Francia entre ellos, se esfuerzan por hacer lo contrario.

No creo que Obama vaya tan lejos como los países escandinavos. Pero establecerá un nuevo equilibrio. Todo depende del tiempo que necesite para retirarse de Iraq. Si además, por otra parte, Estados Unidos reduce sus emisiones de CO2, obtendrá recursos vendiendo derechos de emisión. Con una reestructuración del presupuesto federal y una reanudación del crecimiento, quizá no sea necesario subir más los impuestos. Pero hay un cierto consenso en Estados Unidos para gravar las rentas de las compañías petroleras, que son enormes, y no contribuyen eficazmente. Es un error de Bush haber disminuido los impuestos de los que tienen rentas altas. ¿Por qué a los que ganan dinero especulando se les grava menos que a los trabajadores? ¡Eso es lo que ha hecho Bush!

Original en francés:

Mensajes : 563
Fecha de inscripción : 26/10/2008

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GUERRAS EN EL MUNDO - Página 2 Empty La misión de la ONU en República Democrática del Congo

Mensaje  bayazid Vie Oct 31, 2008 1:29 pm

GUERRAS EN EL MUNDO - Página 2 4574b341f14239166743714nu4
Los rebeldes de Nkunda avanzan hacia Goma y fuerzan la huida de la población civil y de las ONG
MADRID, 29 (Reuters/EP) Los rebeldes tutsis del general renegado Laurent Nkunda continuaron hoy su avance hacia la ciudad de Goma, capital de la región congoleña de Kivu Norte, de la que se encontrarían ya a pocos kilómetros, aunque posteriormente la MONUC, la misión de la ONU en República Democrática del Congo (RDC), aseguró que los insurgentes han declarado un alto el fuego. Entretanto, Naciones Unidas está evacuando a su personal civil de esta ciudad y miles de civiles y cientos de soldados gubernamentales buscan refugio.

Los rebeldes tutsis del general renegado Laurent Nkunda continuaron hoy su avance hacia la ciudad de Goma, capital de la región congoleña de Kivu Norte, de la que se encontrarían ya a pocos kilómetros, aunque posteriormente la MONUC, la misión de la ONU en República Democrática del Congo (RDC), aseguró que los insurgentes han declarado un alto el fuego. Entretanto, Naciones Unidas está evacuando a su personal civil de esta ciudad y miles de civiles y cientos de soldados gubernamentales buscan refugio.

"Toda la población está huyendo de Goma y los rebeldes del Congreso Nacional para la Defensa del Pueblo (CNDP) de Nkunda se encuentran a cuatro kilómetros de la ciudad", indicó una fuente anónima citada por la agencia misionera MISNA. "La situación está completamente fuera de control, la gente huye como puede en dirección a Ruanda o hacia el sur", añadió.

Por su parte, Madnodje Mounoubai, portavoz de la MONUC, declaró que esta misión ha tomado medidas de seguridad para su personal y para los cooperantes de las ONG. A su juicio, la huida de los civiles se debe al temor a la violencia y a los saqueos por parte de los rebeldes. Pero Mounoubai dijo luego que los insurgentes tutsis, tras tomar la localidad de Rushuru, han declarado un cese de hostilidades en Kivu Norte, algo que los insurgentes no han confirmado.


Alarmado por el recrudecimiento del conflicto, el secretario general de Naciones Unidas, Ban Ki Moon, advirtió de que la "intensificación y expansión del conflicto está creando una crisis humanitaria de dimensiones catastróficas y amenaza con graves consecuencias a gran escala".

En un comunicado leído por su portavoz, Marie Okabe, Ban exigió a "todas las partes el cese inmediato de hostilidades y el respeto al Derecho Internacional Humanitario". Ban "deplora la utilización de civiles como escudos humanos y como objetivo deliberado de los combatientes", añadió Okabe. Aclarando este aspecto, la portavoz explicó que las partes en liza estaban impidiendo a los 'cascos azules' de la MONUC la evacuación de los civiles.

Entre éstos se encuentran los "trabajadores humanitarios", incluida --dijo Okabe-- la misionera española que ayer resultó herida en los combates y a la que han tenido que amputar las dos piernas. La religiosa, que se encuentra "muy delicada", será atendida en República de Benín y luego irá a España. "No puedo describir lo desesperado de la situación en el terreno en estos momentos", subrayó Okabe al referirse a la situación del país africano.


Ante la gravedad de la situación, miles de civiles y cientos de soldados congoleños han buscado refugio en Goma. Un testigo indicó a la agencia Reuters que los civiles que huyen y los soldados en retirada están entrando en la ciudad desde el norte, donde el Ejército ha luchado con los insurgentes.

Naciones Unidas, consciente también de los crecientes riesgos, ha evacuado a la mayoría de su personal civil de su sede de Goma. Un miembro del personal que pidió no ser identificado dijo que el convoy de la ONU se compone de unos diez coches escoltados por vehículos blindados.

Pero los congoleños no han permanecido impasibles al ver cómo se marchaban los cooperantes y, víctimas del pánico, han acusado a la ONU de no esforzarse suficientemente para hacer frente a los rebeldes. Un miembro de la ONU que estaba siendo evacuado en un convoy que fue atacado relató que "fue bastante horrible" porque varios "jóvenes enfurecidos lanzaron piedras, rompiendo las ventanillas".

El Alto Comisionado de Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (ACNUR) informó de que hasta 45.000 congoleños han escapado de varios campamentos para desplazados situados en Kibati, a unos doce kilómetros al norte de Goma, en dirección a esta ciudad. Los desplazados, incluidos los 30.000 que llegaron ayer a Kibati, huyen de los rebeldes de Nkunda.

Un cooperante de ACNUR aseguró que la población empezó a marcharse cuando vio que los militares iban desde el norte hacia Goma. "La gente corría en todas direcciones", dijo. En muchas de las calles de Goma, abarrotadas de gente, había un caos total, según los testigos.

Por otro lado, más de 1.000 congoleños se han desplazado a Uganda en las últimas 24 horas y se espera que varios centenares más crucen la frontera. El trabajador de ACNUR afirmó que están caminando desde ayer, cuando Rugarama fue tomada por los insurgentes. Los aldeanos dicen que más 1.500 personas se dirigen al país vecino, adonde han ido llegando 4.000 refugiados congoleños desde agosto. La mayoría son mujeres y niños.


A causa de los enfrentamientos y de los desplazamientos, escasean las medicinas y los centros médicos están saturados, además de que aumenta el riesgo de brotes de cólera en la frontera, según ACNUR. Por su parte, el Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja (CICR) hizo hincapié en que los desplazados necesitan urgentemente refugios, agua, comida y medicinas.

El CICR mantiene su presencia en Goma, pero su personal no sale de las oficinas, por lo que es incapaz de evaluar la situación de la población u obtener datos de los desplazados y los heridos. Los combates en Kivu Norte se recrudecieron a finales de 2006. En enero de 2008, elevaron la cifra de desplazados a más de 800.000, y las ONG calculan que ahora hay casi un millón de refugiados internos en la provincia.


El incremento de la violencia en RDC ha llevado a Francia, que preside la Unión Europea, a plantear el envío de una fuerza de la UE al país africano. Así lo explicó hoy el ministro de Asuntos Exteriores francés, Bernard Kouchner, quien agregó que varios Estados miembros se oponen a esta propuesta.

"Hemos discutido sobre un grupo que se denomina grupo táctico. Este grupo táctico es una guardia militar que, con un funcionamiento rotativo, puede ofrecer entre 400 y 1.500 efectivos que podríamos desplegar en nombre de Europa dentro de ocho o diez días", declaró Kouchner. "Espero que la Presidencia francesa haga una propuesta en los próximos días", concluyó. Actualmente, están desplegados en RDC 17.000 'cascos azules' de la MONUC.

Sin embargo, fuentes comunitarias señalaron que ni la ONU ni Kinsasha han pedido a la UE que despliegue una misión en RDC. "No hay ninguna discusión de momento sobre preparativos militares", indicaron. "Esperamos que se calme la situación (...). Esperamos a ver si la MONUC se refuerza a través de (contribuciones de) otros países", reconocieron las fuentes.

El Alto Representante para la Política Exterior y de Seguridad Común de la Unión Europea, Javier Solana, ha abordado la situación de RDC con los jefes del Estado Mayor de la Defensa (JEMAD) de la UE durante un almuerzo de trabajo que han mantenido hoy en Bruselas.

Solana les ha informado de los "esfuerzos diplomáticos" que está impulsando, explicó en rueda de prensa el presidente del Comité Militar de la UE, el general francés Henri Bentégeat. "Es el momento de la acción diplomática. Más tarde, dependiendo de la evaluación de la ONU, veremos si se necesita otro tipo de acción", dijo.

En este sentido, Bentégat precisó que, aunque para la UE "no hay limitaciones para utilizar batallones" de combate, "si hay una urgencia operativa en alguna parte", los Veintisiete tendrían que alcanzar "una decisión política" al respecto, sólo "después de analizar la situación" y si dicha contribución "pudiese aportar una solución".

La seguridad en el este del país se ha deteriorado aún más desde el pasado fin de semana, especialmente en Kivu Norte, donde Nkunda reanudó el domingo una ofensiva al frente de 3.0000 guerrilleros contra el Ejército congoleño. El pasado mes de agosto fracasó el plan de paz firmado en enero.

Mensajes : 118
Fecha de inscripción : 29/10/2008
Edad : 33

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GUERRAS EN EL MUNDO - Página 2 Empty El ataque de EE.UU. contra Siria enardece a Iraq

Mensaje  Admin Mar Nov 04, 2008 3:41 pm

Mensajes : 563
Fecha de inscripción : 26/10/2008

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